


i. what makes you unique as a person and as an emerging Creative Leader
I am unique as a emerging leader as I have a large a varied skill set and have worked in from the bottom up in a couple industries which helps me in understanding the ground floor employees and street level workers outlook on things and experiences. In that I have also worked in a number of different fields, and lived and worked in a number of locations and traveled extensively throughout the world I would say I have a depth to the  perspective as well as having had a larger number of roles and interpersonal relationships and experiences to draw from in speaking to and understanding people in organizations. While there is always more to learn I would say that everyone is unique, and it is sort of a odd word choice as basically everyone is different and comes from different experiences and lives.     

ii. any changes that seem to have occurred since the beginning of class
Well I basically have been in a number of organizations were the leadership screwed over the employees and management as by bad leadership time and time again, always in their own self interest. Where this class has shown examples of thoughtful leaders who were not just out for themselves at any cost. There have also been good representations of leaders making strides and helping people, industries and humanity. This is different then the way the real world works or business as I have encountered it, while it is good to see and to learn there are more and more companies that are less bottom line driven and more people or planet driven as well. 

iii. themes seem to be emerging for you
Empathy, I need to focus on following directions, and listening as well as taking a real interest in others issues within the organizations I am involved in. While it seems logical I generally make positions for myself which do not involve the management of people and I may with enough readings and journals writings and groups projects may return to these roles and hopefully the better leader for the experience.    

iv. anything surprising.
Not really this probably my be my 10th class, or company program on leadership. But it has been a while, as I have been avoiding corporate work recently it used to be a ongoing training issue in a couple of the organizations I have worked in. It is coming from a less money driven place in this class which is refreshing and as sales and results are not the goal of these program it is a little different then the Leadership in Communications, and Leadership in Business courses I once took. 

v. wise advice you might give yourself. Write your reflections about yourself as a Creative Leader in a two-page letter to yourself
e. Post this document to your website and the discussion board

Advice I would give myself. First always sleep. You can not think well, lead or really do anything well when tired. 
Let work, schoolwork and all busy other work suffer, but first get a good nights sleep every night. Spend as much energy and time with William as possible. Stop and never ignore him or have him watch videos so I can do or finish assignments or work. But give him your full attention at all times, as he will grow up quickly and missing this time with him can not be re-captured or made up. Where money, or grades and other hoops in the end will matter little.  

Set realistic expectations, as I tell work that I will be putting in this much time for this compensation regularly, do the same in all areas of life. As I only have so much time to invest in learning, spend that time and move on. When school adds four rather then two assignments in both classes have 8-10 assignments due like this week, none of which amount to midterms or finals quality work, as well as your group can not get it together and sucks up a additional 10 hours of time. 
Do not compromise yourself with the 25+ hours you have already spent on school this week,. Stop turn in what you have. focus on your diet, workouts, sleep and life as it is suffering for hop jumping. As other people in your program must read and write twice as fast as me, do not compromise my life to caught up with their rate of busy work, I do not need it. My advice to myself is work on one real and thoughtful assignment a week and put all my energy into that and ignore the fluff. This should be more than enough, rather then all the million little assignments amounting to little all over. Do one thing well at a time. Focus your energy on the most important task and let the little ones fall by the wayside. Also by all means quit staring at your computer. As I probably spend half of my life staring at a computer screen I originally made choices in life to get out of the desk life and away from the computer. Find ways to not use a computer all the time and hide in front of one. Return to life and living rather then a pale, weak zombie staring at a computer screen.  

When you are given leadership roles take them and run with them deliver more then is expected and work on fostering the people that work in roles that report to you as well as work on developing more empathy, listening skills and soft skills. 



    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

