www.innovationexcellence.com It can't innovation if..., people do this, this word is used, or this is sort of saying if it is working it is not innovative. If it is a best practice, or it is profitable in the first year it is not innovative. There are a number of corporate norms which are typical statements which if it is one of these things then the company is not innovative. Basically if it doesn't freak people out, and is unprofitable or at least to beginning with there is no real innovation. There is also the idea that if everybody likes the ideas and their is a consensus then their is it is not innovative. While all of these statement ands and ideas may be true it also seems a little like chasing innovation for innovation sake and while it may not be the best model there seems to be true for perhaps a large company that doesn't risk going out of business, but also can risk losing their current market share. The sort of business this would be true for I am not aware of but it sure sounds fun to work there. 
    Zenhabits.net- A Method to finding Balance-This starts out with a ways to seek balance, and one of which is to pause and reflect. This is just taking little thought breaks and more or less just thinking, then the next tip is to zoom out to reflect on where you are going how are you living and is it inline with your goals and priorities. Then there is a readjustment phase this is to say that the if you notice you are not working out enough, or eating well then make adjustments. Block off time and commit to the things that you want to get done, make appointments with your self that you keep and get the things done that you need to get done, then repeat. This all seems rather straight forward and while good advice, a couple steps to make your life more reflective. As a creative leader this could be seen as a way to guide or run your business in a manner that is constantly readjusting and introspective. 
    Sethgodin.typepad.com- While quick and short as always this blog is discussing shelf space and saying there is a crowd on the shelf waiting to be picked up in any category. The idea here then is to not be on the shelf but rather the only choice as you are a category on it's own or would not exist without you. So how do you make your business or the organization you lead the only one in it's niche? Well this seems to be the type of area that to play to your talents or the abilities in your organization to carve out a unused uncrowded niche and capitalize on yours and your organizations uniqueness.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

