This blog starts on Raw Creativity, and think like a child again, now what does increased creativity have to do with tribal leadership? I would say coming up with creative solutions for your organization is something anyone could benefit from and thinking like a child is a good way to start. The blog itself starts with a brain test,to show how your sorts of gives you the message even from a messed up sentence to show that your brain can figure out a words even with the letters in the wrong order.  While this demo is impressive for the brain it is also true with to and bottom halves of the letters and a number of other tricks that the brain can still figure out.  Basically saying that the brain generally gets to the essence of things even if it is scrambled. Then it goes on to mention a creative activity for that is borrowed it seems from the book Tinkertoys (we read last year)about brain storming. While not missing a plug for a book, which is one of a million on unleashing your creativity, the blog sort of ends with a play with a child. While this is good advice for anyone this blog seems a little surface and while I have read countless books on the brain and creativity this does have a couple good points it just seems a little like creativity light. This blog post is on the benefits of reading then goes on to give a reading list of both non-fiction and fiction is not a great list but a normal every list of books, many I encountered in junior high or high school. I guess the blog is to get us the readers to think more empathically by reading more, which is good advice and something I could work on.  While the merits on reading are well know it is a good habit to be in and perhaps rather then working on the computer before bed I should spend more time reading and while empathy seems to be a important aspect of leadership and something I need to work on this may be something to revisit after this program to restart. There is then a plug for their "sea change" program with is a series of e-mails on monthly topics to get you to change and create new habits, once I clicked here and watched a video I would say not really part of the blog post more a sales pitch for a reminder service. Which seems decidedly a unzen thing to throw in. This is a blog entry on critical path and how to get things done. In a critical path environment the author worked in the example was given that a organization they were in was given green and red buttons if they were on a critical path activity the green buttons were asked by the red buttons if there is anything they could help with and the critical path work was not to be interrupted. As a leader this seems like a good way to function and while the example mentions the president or ceo I forgot which getting coffee for the illustrator as that person was working on a critical path activity. This  seems like a good way to work and while this is simular to how a restaurant works I have been the General Manager of Restaurant in Hotels where I wearing a suit, wash dishes, park cars, seat people, make drinks, cook, and drop the food off at tables because in my environment the "critical path" is the guest experience and nothing else matters.  While I get that in leadership it is important to be mindful of the end result and how to get there it is also difficult to take the advice of the blog which is to rush early. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

