The blog this week is starting by recounting the success of the blog and stating that innovation is not a skill or idea much as it is a discipline. As tribal and leadership goes this sort of moves the argument along that you have to have a plan and work towards the plan and as it goes with leadership innovation is a important facet and should be accounted for and innovation should be planned on but also integrated into leading and planing. There is sort of a new website and a certification program that is going to be co-created by them and the readership. This seems to be a four tiered certification in innovation program which they are beta testing and looking for people to enter and to give feedback about, which sounds pertinent to any future leader. While this seems like a interesting program, perhaps for after this one is done (growing list of interesting programs) it may be finished or buffed out by then and interesting none the less. This blog seems like more of a fishing and advertisement for their program then the regular scheduled content. This may be a effort to monetize all their content and formalize the learning. 
    This post is a nice break from the breathing exercises and I guess the blogs are all changing it up a bit, they must be switching things up for the fall, to move into selling holidays stuff mode, just kidding. So there is a post this week on Procrastination and the monkey brain. The speaker a rather smart young man describes the issue as a brain, sensory issue and while we want to do well our brain sort of pushes everything off as long as possible to give it a excuse for it's performance.  This a result of our brain structure and the monkey part of our brain. But we can choose to turn this around and proactively plan what we need to do and get done and in planning steps can work on and bypass this and be more successful and making us and our world a better place.
      Belief is more powerful then proof, and this is especially true in leadership. As leaders often can not lead with out confidence and or belief, if they believe in something that belief is often conveyed to others and is important in creating a goal, mutual goal or a action towards what they are leading towards.  The next post sort of says there is a salimudgi which is a salad with everything in it. Rather then offering this type of salad Seth is saying that we should pick just one thing and do it well and be proud of it rather then trying to do everything just ok. The third blog post as the first two were only a sentence or two, then there is a reference to large book he is sort of selling and using as a fundraiser which sold out (the first 3 blog posts are pretty small, but this was only supposed to take a half hour). In leadership the idea of doing what you are good at and farming the rest out is important for time management as well as a way to make sure you can get everything done. It is often a aspect of leading, finding things that have a low time value and hiring those out to other people so you can focus on the more important and enterprise decisions. 
  • Write notes about, or create a list of, what you’d like to revise about your draft Portfolio Project based on what emerged for you from the Socratic and Collaborative Inquiry sessions.  Might you like to change your dashboard? Map?  

I am figuring I will be redoing the whole thing shortly here, I sort of traveled to a closer place then I had planned for the week. I had a long weekend (planned to travel for my birthday to CA, then between my other class group project, and my son having unannounced school time off and so forth lead to a day at the Waterpark of America instead, as scary as it sounds). 

While I like the idea of a conscripted Socratic Inquiry if it was like people in my class or work that had to be there.

I do not have friends in MN or know people that would find this interesting, also in something like I am comfortable asking someone to sit and talk for a hour, ever for any reason unless they were paid or where paying me, or something else of value was offered. While I can pack a room and talk about wine, or a number of topics for hours, last week trained a bar staff for hours on the basics, but was paid well, we were trying cocktails and it was fun. Scheduling that was a two month process, into my and 4 peoples schedules, to pop up and do this in a week in impossible for me.  

Now if it was at work or school and they had to be there that is one thing or my friends that are into debate and philosophy lived here.  I think the idea and asking questions to get people to review, rethink, reframe and sort of look at things from another angle is a invaluable tool and think this should definitely be taken into account as a learn tool, but also a way to engage others as everyone likes to talk (maybe not me all the time) but for the most part there is not much that gets people more excited then asking them engaging questions and wanting to hear what they have to say (active listening is something I need to focus on and show interest in). My best friends would find this interesting but ones billable hour is around $1000 and the other is in Vietnam and I hear from on a monthly basis, neither going to happen at the same time or with out plenty of planning. 

I would like to gear my dashboard into a more thoughtful less action focus way, as rushing around doing stuff is not a valuable as listening and clearly taking in all sides of a problem or situation before acting. 

  • You were asked to use reflections from your Socratic Inquiry session for your this week's travel log; however, you are always welcome to add to this week's entry after the Collaborative Inquiry session.

While I like that assignment as it is a lot better for time management and sanity purposes. There is a element of looking into what motivates, inspires, what challenges other students are having, what is important to their leadership development, and how where they are on in their journeys. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

