


    http://www.innovationexcellence.com The future of digital commerce is omni-channel, this article sort of starts with a note from Bill Gates, then sort of runs through the concept that a lot of the internet is democratized into word-press. There is a number of references to sales, amazon and where sales and the online market and sales tracking is going. While sales tracking on the backend and stats are compiled on our every purchase breathe, this seems to be the a blog on sales rather then tribal leadership. While browsing and purchasing are important service seems to be king, and while there are always sales machines and so forth there is rarely good service and the internet is going to return traditional sales tools and methods to the previous importance. 
    Be Still, I think this is a good blog post and stillness and shutting down is a good activity, while spending time in meditation or away from the pace of society all of it's time demands and rushing around. The post seems focused on introspection and ends with a quote from the Tao Te Ching, advising to not rush around as it is not natural way and using to much energy is against the natural way and anything against the natural way will not last. As this seems like a calm down don't burn yourself out sort of advice, it is probably great advice but not the day for it. As stopping and doing less seems like the path to a smart life, that I am all for, this program perhaps then is counterintuitive to a smart life with the constant little assignments, e-mail checkins and more tasks then anything I have ever encounter in my life, or as the article says a unnatural way. 
    The First Lie...As usual I like the short insights but not sure if I should keep going into further blog posts as the length is generally short and this is one of the short ones. Well Seth is stating the first lie is your going to need more talent then you are born with, that people are scared, scared to lead, being seen as a fraud and bunch of other stuff that makes me question my blog selection. While I am cool with empathy and introspection I get whining from my six year old, and it makes me shut down, and annoyed at the drop of the hat. The "new economy" is seen by Seth as being built on trust and hope, and passion, and by those who care and believe. While all of this seems like propaganda for what I do not know it is also good to know there are still male cheerleaders out there. I can not pretend there was a lot of meat here to dig into.  


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

