Where is it we are at in the end of this course. I am ending on a positive note, as I liked this course a lot more then I expected. While I have covered a lot of this information in the beginning in prior I have to say that as it improved as the course went and there are allot of new and creative leaders to learn from as well as bring in modern examples and companies into the learning and course, the blogs also keep it fresh in changing it up all the time. I started this course out rather hating leadership as a topic and wondering why we would have a course like this in this program(did quite a few business courses in leadership, it didn't make sense to me here). But the creative and positive leadership examples stories and levels of different companies and how they operate was a good lesson that there are people pulling companies with them in the right direction. This shows how there is always change and a dynamic business and creative climate. I personally feel this course has made me want to return to either a management role or open my own business, as I was sort of planning the later anyway it seems like there is a lot of room for creative leaders and revisiting some of the lessons from the leaders, ceos, presidents, and others there is a lot to learn but also a lot to improve upon. I sort of always ended up in leadership roles as I normally figure out how something works and then outwork and learn everyone  else. Lately I have sort of been burn by bad leaders and have never experienced a industry like restuarants in Minneapolis which is the polar opposite of what I worked in and experienced in California, in unprofessionalism and bad management. Sort of why I started this program to get out of. While part of me is sort of tempted to create one to try and reach higher levels of organizations and leadership models. We will see.  


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

