The weeks blog is focused on a new product spiral development system of thinking rather than just new product development which is seen as both to rigid and not agile enough. Where as the loop which sort of rings a bell with many of the programs use of the sustainable design spirals, has a build-test-feedback-revise loop which works well for fast paced dynamic design groups. Taking the team though a five stages from idea to launch, with every step including the feedback of the user/customer, this is sort of integrating feedback from the end user in all levels of development. While there is not a lot of new material presented in this blog post it is sort of a way in which tribal leadership can be used in taking a team trough the design process which is not unlike the sustainable design spiral we have encountered throughout this program.
This is sort of a guide on relaxing or being zen in the face of the modern society. But this post is on debt, and starts with the authors account of being in debt to the point of stealing money from her kids piggy banks to go buy food. Then slowly getting out of debt and building a nest egg while restructuring her and families life around ideas that are more sustainable and easier to manage. There is also a module for each section, while I had a couple issues with the authors understanding of investment vehicle and negative ideas of a mortgage. As a previous financial planner, and currently a Realtor if this is what you understand about investments keep your money out of the markets and don't start a blog giving advice about things related to money. Anyway as far as the message and how it relates to tribal leadership it could be seen as a way to sort of contribute to the financial health of the tribe even though is seems the writer does not understand the basics of iras, 401k, risk tolerance, or the issues and details of investing it also seems that she is for renting rather then buying and not having a mortgage which in today's current interest rates and reduced housing costs is like saying thrown money money away on rent rather then own for less? That is the reality of the current market and there is less then zero solid financial logic behind this post, which I usually like, and in fact it should be removed.
The blog post this week is on the Understanding Luxury Goods, while this is a blog on a wide range of topics from you name it. This week the blog is Understanding Luxury Goods. While this is sort of a story or aspect of the herd mentality rather then the tribal leaders thoughts, it may be useful in thinking of how to sell or offer products that have less value then what is offered by offering scarcity. Seth also says that visibility and transparency sort of hits a wall when the internet is brought into the equations while this makes sense as products can be researched and sold globally in a instance. The example is one of a overpriced handbag, while I understand there is a market for luxury goods, I find thinking about this topic and tribal leadership seems like the public needs a wake up call. I would like to think that humans could take a noble cause like instead of this handbag you could save 100 lives for a month or feed 25 people for a year, or by buying a normal rather then the example hand bag you could rather use the money to provide fresh water to a village through water treatment, filtering or offering tech that does this so you choose, look extravagant or save a village from unclean drinking water. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

