Where I planned to be this week, current class map link 

Places to I would like to avoid. While I have allows avoided teams and felt stifled by them, I am going to have to I generally have tried to stay out of organizations and groups and work as a sales person or consultant as to control my own time, agenda and success. It sort of reminds me of as a kid I stopped playing hockey because I could only go so far and felt restrained by my teams. Then took up ski racing where I went from a good player (but everything is team dependent) in hockey to a nationally ranked skier, capt the ski team and given free equipment through sponsers tickets, and travel around the country where as a hockey player I was okay. 

However, my thoughts from the readings seems to imply that I think at stage three rather and avoid teams, and rather then working in companies that have more depth, and potential to do good that perhaps operate at stage 4 and 5. So I guess as a stage three thinker I have to evolve into a team player and someone who likes groups and working with others. As this is something I generally have avoided probably since getting a BFA in studio arts, and spending countless hours by my self in a studios alone and then working in a robotics/metal shop working in silence other in for inspections, and tests. This sort of sheds light on something I avoid, not really being aware I avoid it and that is group work, teams, and working in and with them effectively.  So while people that work in stage 4 and 5 level companies and organizations seem to have a greater sense of community this is something I will have to develop as I over the years sort of removed myself from as many groups and organizations as I can sort of avoiding "communities" and fearing the "herd" think. 

However, as in the example of redesigning a hospital I guess to accomplish greater then personal goals, and benefiting others and doing any real good will working with groups and increasingly larger organizations to have a greater impact. Something I sort of removed myself from after becoming disgusted with the politics and back stabbing of working in large hotel/restaurant management teams, and witnessing year after year of poor decisions, and bad management. Perhaps other fields are filled with more evolved people like in the organizations mentioned in the readings. Where people work for the greater good. 

So i guess the places I would like to avoid are or re-visit are organizations filled with 1-4 level employee mentalities, and try to find organizations to work where there is a more evolved structure and mind set. 
readings  the avoidance of organizations I am involved with 

communication in stage 5, and a committment to values.